Heritage Consulting - experts in learning, development and growth
At Heritage Consulting we help people discover and fulfil their true potential. Because it's too important to leave it to chance...
With more than 30 years' of experience and expertise we help people address their well-being, their performance, and their success.
Heritage Consulting specialises in three key areas:
- Bite Size - short and focused workshops and webinars on topics such as Time Management, Resilience, Feedback and more - the building blocks of key knowledge and practical action
- Management Skills Development - in-depth, bespoke training programmes on Leadership, Coaching, Performance Management, Influencing etc. - the route to deeper knowledge, understanding and practice
- One-to-One Performance Coaching - on issues ranging from self-confidence to assertiveness to career direction - the solution for addressing individual performance with clarity, credibility and results
To complement these three areas, we also offer:
- Personality Profiling, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- Team-building
- Career Management
- Facilitation, e.g. team away-days, strategy and visioning sessions
- Consultancy in all aspects of L&D
We have a range of solutions tailor-made to meet the needs of you and your business.
Tell us what's important to you - we'd love to have a chat!